Delicious Pancake Recipes That Will Make Your Mouth Water

Delicious Pancake Recipes That Will Make Your Mouth Water

Pancakes are one of the most beloved breakfast foods around the world. They are simple to make and can be customized to suit your taste buds. Whether you prefer sweet or savory, these pancake recipes are sure to satisfy your cravings. In this article, we will share some delicious pancake recipes that are easy to make and will have your family asking for more.



  • Pancakes are a versatile and easy breakfast option.
  • Homemade pancake mixes can be customized to suit your dietary preferences.
  • Pancakes are a great source of carbohydrates and can help provide energy for the day ahead.

However, studies have shown that consuming breakfast can have a positive impact on cognitive function, mood, and energy levels throughout the day.

There are many ways to make pancakes, from simple recipes to more complex ones. You can add various ingredients like blueberries, chocolate chips, bananas, or nuts to make your pancakes more flavorful.


Pancake Recipes:

Classic Buttermilk Pancakes:

  • Ingredients: Ancient Nutra’s pancake mix, baking powder, baking soda, salt, sugar, buttermilk, eggs, and butter.
  • Directions: Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl and the wet ingredients in another. Combine the two mixtures and let the batter rest for a few minutes. Cook the pancakes on a greased griddle or pan until golden brown.

Blueberry Pancakes:

  • Ingredients: Ancient Nutra’s blueberry pancake mix, baking powder, baking soda, salt, sugar, buttermilk, eggs, butter,
  • Directions: Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl and the wet ingredients in another. Combine the two mixtures.Let the batter rest for a few minutes. Cook the pancakes on a greased griddle or pan until golden brown.

Chocolate Chip Pancakes:

  • Ingredients: Ancient Nutra’s chocolate pancake mix, baking powder, baking soda, salt, sugar, buttermilk, eggs, butter, and chocolate chips.
  • Directions: Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl and the wet ingredients in another. Combine the two mixtures and fold in the chocolate chips. Let the batter rest for a few minutes. Cook the pancakes on a greased griddle or pan until golden brown.


Practical Tips or Advice

  • Use a non-stick pan or griddle to prevent your pancakes from sticking to the surface.
  • Let the pancake batter rest for a few minutes before cooking to allow the gluten to activate and create a fluffy texture.
  • Use a ladle or measuring cup to scoop the batter onto the pan for consistent pancake sizes.
  • Flip the pancake when bubbles form on the surface and the edges start to dry out.
  • Keep the cooked pancakes warm in a preheated oven until you are ready to serve them.

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